WoW TBC Classic Battlegrounds Changes: Same-faction teams will be able to match

More and more players choose Horde, resulting in an imbalance in the number of players between factions. Ironically, this makes it harder for Horde players to earn honors than Alliance players.

In order to reduce the queuing time of the PvP players of the Horde in the Battlegrounds, Blizzard decided to make changes to the Battlegrounds of the Burning Crusade Classic in World of Warcraft. Now players in the same faction may be matched.
In TBC Classic, honor is a currency that can be used to purchase PvP weapons and gear. It is becoming more and more difficult for Horde players to obtain honor, because they need to queue for more than an hour if they want to participate in the Battlegrounds.
The main reason for the long queue time is that Horde's racial specialties can occupy a greater advantage in PvP, such as orcs, blood elves, and undead. More and more players choose Horde, resulting in an imbalance in the WOW Classic TBC Gold number of players between factions. Ironically, this makes it harder for Horde players to earn honors than Alliance players.
In order to see the impact of Battlegrounds matched by the same faction on the game, Blizzard will activate this feature and test it from July 2nd to 6th. Normally, the system will give priority to match the teams of the rival faction, but when the matching time is too long, there may be battles between the teams of the same faction. Albeit with the team playing out of the enemy faction's base sporting masks and tabards representing the faction they find themselves fighting for.
In the official forum, we can see the posts published by Blizzard, they have considered the solution to this problem when the queue time on the Battlegrounds increased a few weeks ago. The development team also studied the historical data of the system. According to the opinions reflected by the players, they want to fight with the teams of the rival faction, but they do not want to extend the queue time on this basis. At the same time, they did not want to make the matching mechanism of the Battlegrounds more complicated.
Same-faction teams won't work on Alterac Valley, in the consideration of the Battleground sees players battling various NPCs of the opposing faction. After July 6, the Battlegrounds system will enter the weekly reset period, and the same faction match will Will be closed. Blizzard will analyze the player data during this period and decide how to improve the TBC Classic Gold system in the next step.
In the original version of Burning Crusade, there are no such changes. These changes are a signal that Blizzard intends to make various meaningful adjustments to TBC Classic, even though Blizzard followed a strict "no changes" policy when initially releasing World of Warcraft Classic. Players welcome some of the positive changes, such as the changes to the arena and the phased launch of endgame content. But for the character boost and paid mounts that were not in the original version of the game, most players don't care much. In fact, there are many ways to obtain mounts in the game. You can directly use gold to purchase flying mounts from the mount trainer. If you are short of TBC Classic Gold, I suggest you visit MMOWTS, because this website is the best TBC Classic Gold supplier.

Millson Adam

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