How To Keep A Watch In Good Condition? - Gold Watch Manufacturers

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Watches are one of those accessories that never go out of style, from which you inherit and it seems that you bought them yesterday. However, this is not always the case as it is not easy to keep them looking like new without a little effort and dedication.

Jules Jurgensen Watches Manufacturer

How to keep a watch in good condition? In order for a Engraved Gold Watch not to look old-fashioned or worn, it is important to keep it in good condition. You have to give him the necessary pampering so that he looks as young as ever. We must know the materials of which it is made to know how we should clean the watch. Each one will need different care. We also have to know how to save them, since it depends on how we do it, they can end up losing the initial color.

What to clean a watch with? To carry out the most basic and universal cleaning we need:

Soft soap.
A cup of water.
Jewelry brush or alternatively, a toothbrush with soft bristles.
A lint-free cloth. Kitchen paper can also be used.

With what to clean a watch according to the material: As we said before, each material needs a specific cleaning. That is why we must know what our watch is made of.

Cleaning leather strap watches: For watches with a leather strap, it is recommended not to wet the leather. To do this, we must remove the strap and clean the watch separately. It can be cleaned with white vinegar, although we recommend doing the test on a small corner of the strap beforehand to see if it looks good once the product is applied.

Cleaning watches with rubber straps: A less common practice that is often used for watches with a rubber strap is to clean it with alcohol. As with leather straps, it is advisable to disassemble the strap, clean it separately and test it beforehand. Gold Watch Manufacturers has abundant experience in manufacturing many kinds of watches. China Watches Factory is the Key point for good wholesale business relations.

George Vincent

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