In TBC Classic, every player who wants to obtain a flying mount needs to complete the Netherdrake mount questline to gain the ability to fly in Outland. Although TBC Classic has been officially released in early June, we still don't know the specific opening time of the questline. According to the game progress of the original version of Burning Crusade, we are very likely to usher in the questline in phase three, which includes the Black Temple raid. Nevertheless, we still cannot know the unlock date of phase three. In any case, when the questline is available, you need to unlock the WOW TBC Classic Gold Netherdrake mount in the following ways.
First you need to complete the introductory questline in Shadowmoon Valley, then you will receive a new quest, through which you will be sent to a place called Netherwing Ledge, the floating island is located at the southeast corner of the area. After getting there, more one-time quests need you to complete. After completing these quests, you can unlock daily quests that repeat every day. All one-time quests and daily quests will provide you with prestige rewards. As your prestige level continues to increase (Friendly, Honored, Revered, Exalted), more one-time quests and daily quests will be opened to you. So you will accumulate prestige faster and faster.
When your reputation level reaches Friendly, you will receive a small accessory as a reward. This item has an active ability that allows your character to summon a dragonling to fight alongside you. Not only that, after your prestige level is increased, the trinket will also be upgraded, making it more active. As long as your reputation reaches Honored, you can also complete a series of new tasks and get another accessory reward, which allows your mount to gain 10% acceleration.
Herbalists, miners and skinners obtain additional quests on the island that use their tradeskills. You can also find bind-on-pickup Netherwing Eggs and turn them in for additional Classic TBC Gold reputation, no doubt about these in a while after the questline just opened Eggs will generate fierce competition. If you don't want to waste time, you can avoid them.
When your reputation level reaches Exalted, you can directly unlock a Netherdrake color without spending TBC Classic Gold. Buying any Netherdrake color directly will cost 200 gold.
This guide has detailed the specific steps to unlock the Netherdrake mount. Of course, achieving this goal requires a certain amount of time and some TBC Classic Gold. But if you want to fly in the skies of Outland on a more beautiful mount, all this is worth it. Welcome to follow MMOWTS to get more information about TBC Classic, or buy TBC Classic Gold!
Millson Adam
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