I'm sure there's much more to add to this base idea

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The expansion I'm thinking of wow classic tbc gold is an actual war between alliance and horde and alliance, in which you fight for neutral areas to win the control of Azeroth. You can access more flight routes and quests as you control a zone. When you attack a zone, there are specific quests you can complete to aid your faction in gaining control back for that zone. You don't need to kill 10 raptors, and get at the maximum level to take part in war. Once you've got control of one zone, you can acquire new quests that will allow you to keep your control. The zone may change depending on the faction which is in charge. Horde is controlling it? Alliance has 2 outposts, and needs to slowly push forwards. In the world, there is a pvp battle between NPCs and each other , as well as players. Ressource transports for different zones and defend them against the enemy faction.

LocalDefense channel is used to announce enemy attacks at outposts or towns, and to facilitate communication between players. Battleground wins give you resources for your faction to strengthen your military efforts. Battlegrounds that are new are launched to match with each neutral zone (alterac valley = winterspring warsong = barrens, and etc.) Make sure to check out those bg's/zones in need of help. Your efforts in the war will enable players to purchase more powerful gear at any time or gain rank for your faction, and get access to mounts/tabards as along with more equipment. It is possible to use your professions to design and create items needed to win war.

I'm sure there's much more to add to this base idea, as well as numerous other aspects of vanilla that make for an excellent foundation, but I've not yet seen a follow-up.

It has flaws I'm aware of. Like the differing max levels of buy wow tbc gold characters and the imbalance in factions. This makes me realize that there is a lot of potential in WoW even though it was an already amazing game.



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