And you have to kill the flag holder for this area to be contested again. IF your flag holder does die then you have to wait two minutes for either side to RS gold capture it. In that time they will be mainly killing each other. And they'll also have bandages to heal and again no head bits or cloaks/capes to be worn. You battle for tokens that are traded for xp or armour/weapons.
Weapon Effects: Insert weapon effects to a weapons such as a god sword with lightning flashing around it, or weapons which glow different colours. Must have completed a quest and levels to possess them . So yeah thats them, let me know in case you have trouble understanding or have queries about them. Thanks.I am not extremely satisfied with how this came out, and I'm also well aware the name for the armor is dumb. I am still trying to come up with a better name for it. Allow me to know if you have some suggestions to improve the quest. Start: Speak to King Vargas in his castle in Miscellania. Quests: Royal Trouble and Merlin's Crystal. You must have also completed the Pirate Pete part of Recipe for Disaster. Speak with King Vargas and ask him if he's any jobs for you. Apparently the king had been working on some sort of monster - and experiment, of sorts - to use as a castle guardian, since apparently there have been a lot of recent Troll strikes and his knights are barely able to conquer them. Tell him that it is possible to help him and he'll inform you the General Willus is in charge of the project and can let you know what supplies you want to produce the monster.
Talk to him and he will tell you that you'll require some Precious Metal, that is dropped by Trolls about the island and is untradeable. Trolls are just around level 25 - 40 and fall the metallic everytime. Get ten of these and bring them back . Nowadays you need to smith the metals into a body for the creature. Now you need to make legs out of planks. Get 20 planks and then use a hammer and some nails on them to make four legs. Bring these to Willus and now he would like you to make a tail. Get about 10 cowhides, tan themand then put them together using a needle and string. Now Willus wants you to build the head. Go down it and you will find 3 paths. Take the path at the middle and you'll find a big open area with a bunch of level 250 demons. Kill one of them and it will drop its mind. Utilize the head with a few fabric (you need 10) and cover it with a needle and string. Get a team from Zaff or another player and use it with the head to turn it into a head on a pole.
Being it to Willus and the monster is going to be completed. Obviously such monster's do not just come to existence. Willus will give you a letter to deliver to Merlin requesting that he will help to bring the creature to life. Merlin doesn't wish to support the creature, therefore bribe him with 50gp. He gives you some Magical Essence and tells you it can be smithed into a heart. Use it with an anvil to get a Magical Heart. (gives 500 Smithing experience)
Bring the guts to Willus to fill out the monster. Presently a cutscene will play and the monster will break down a castle wall and dive to the cheap OSRS gold sea where you can't get to it. Yet. Talk to Willus and he'll tell you about a magic armor called"Merma Armor" that enables one to breathe underwater.
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