I'd like to suggest Eagle kite, simply because CLS sucks

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I'm not searching for the most exp pouches, I need pouches that can be sold to help minimize my loss There are only 2 mills in my bank However, I'd like to summon 69 in the near future, and I'm planning to RS gold utilize as many charms as I can, all if I have to.

As I wrote in that last paragraph , the only selling familiars that I have are Kyatt, Graahk , and Lurker. Other familiars may sell if given time or a low enough price , but they'll likely be at a loss of less than. There just isn't much in the way of truly useful familiars below the Yip/tort stage which is why most pouches are sold for the half of their original price or lower. The best method to limit loss is to not waste time gathering the ingredients for those which generate profits and then make the most efficient ones by using the time saved to and then recreate the loss.

I'm aware that this isn't really the kind of answer you're looking for , however If anyone has an ingenuous method that I'm not familiar with, I'd like them to share it. But from my own experiences with these levels, it wound up being far easier to just take the big price instead of trying to scrape every gp I could out of the whole thing.

I'd like to suggest Eagle kite, simply because CLS sucks that much. In addition to PvP it's of nothing to offer, as it is overpowered by other weapons (usually the rapier) in every circumstance. Bandos is an argumentable choice - maul provides more damage and is faster, but CLS allows you to protect yourself by using the shield.

If Jad is the only thing you'll employ an Eagle kite for, it's not worth the cost. There are many benefits that are better than CLS. My opinion on the best way to earn items is: Arc Stream - cheap and the best mage ammy in game. Rapier - best melee weapon in game. I wouldn't be using it for Jad certainly to other uses. I already have an rapier, by the way. That's why I was trying to figure out the cls. If it's really not much better than a rapier in the sense of controlling I could take it following the shield.

Hey guys , I know there are a lot of these threads, I used to answer them myself a while some time ago, but honestly don't know about what's happening, what developments have occurred as well as what's good/bad/nooby.

You should read the remainder of my writing, it makes no sense.. so good luck. So I purchased a the membership, persuaded by a friend also by my experience with the Mad May thing, and when I got connected to a member's world I realised that I didn't have a clue about what to do. Since then, I've been doing the mandatory farming runs, slayer buy old school runescape gold assignments and clue scrolls - but now I'm out of things to complete in the remaining three months of this membership.

wei yismart

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