How to Make Gold in WoW Classic: Tips and Tricks 2022

The reagents you need to farm these items involve Imbued Netherweave, which isn’t that difficult to acquire. Although, the most sought items are the Primal Fire, Primal Water Primal Shadow and Primal Life resources.

What are the WOW TBC Classic Best Profession for Gold? What are the best gold farming Classes WOW Classic TBC? How to make a lot of money in the Burning Crusade Classic? If you want to find the best and fastest ways to earn World of Warcraft TBC Classic Gold, then you are at the right place!


As the most relaxing-to-use (or the most boring, depending on how you look at it) profession by far, Fishing allows players to make some easy TBC Classic Gold without the need for gear, level (in most cases), or active farming. This is why many players like to retreat to their favorite fishing spot and just click on the cork from time to time.

The best thing about Fishing in TBC Classic is the fact that many sought-after crafting reagents come exclusively from the seas and rivers of Azeroth and Outland. To make the most out of fishing, do research on the Auction House to determine which fish are currently the most lucrative to farm, and then simply start fishing.

Farming Primals

Professions get a considerable upgrade in TBC, to the point players want to go to a specific profession to make themselves some very good gear as soon as they hit level 70. The most iconic of these professions is tailoring, with Warlocks wanting the Shadowcloth, other DPS casters wanting Spellcloth, with healers wanting Mooncloth. Gathering the materials to form these items is going to be very sought after, somewhat limited, and therefore expensive

The reagents you need to farm these items involve Imbued Netherweave, which isn’t that difficult to acquire. Although, the most sought items are the Primal Fire, Primal Water Primal Shadow and Primal Life resources. These are crafted by combining 10 motes of each element, which typically drop off elementals throughout Outland. Some can drop in Dungeons, while others are limited to places like the Elemental Plateau, the Throne of Kill’Jaiden, and ShadowmoonValley for Primal Shadow and Air. Most of these areas require level 70 flying

Once a player has these items, they can provide them to a tailor to craft the appropriate cloth. However, there is a cooldown for each craft, so ideally, going into a specialism is ideal for increasing the amount craftable within the cooldown.

Because of the rarity, it may be even worth farming the mats yourself to cast any of the cloth to sell to the highest bidder for some very quick cash through phase 1. Furthermore, lots of craftable BoEs that are not exactly prebis come through these materials and therefore remain attractive for alts and new players throughout the expansion.

Please note these Primals are very lucrative for other professions too, but the prebis focus on them for casters is their biggest market by far.

Gold farming with druids

Druids are one of the top PvP healers in TBC due to their powerful crowd control and instant cast healing. Its PvE healing is also powerful and mana is efficient. I recommend this class. Flight forms are available when flying between nodes. This saves a lot of time throughout the Burning Crusade extension. When it comes to gold per hour, it really depends on your area and competition, but as long as you can get a spectacular flying mount, it can be up to 250-500 gold per hour.


Dungeons can be a good raw gold farm from passively looting gold, as well as selling any items you may get, or disenchanting them if you are an enchanter.

Some dungeon in Outland can also drop Fel Armaments and Arcane Tomes which are used to gain reputation with the Aldor and Scryers and later on used for shoulders enchants. Many players will want these and will hold their value for a while to come.

Dark Runes are a consumable that restores mana to the user and is only available from the Scholomance dungeon. These do not share cooldowns with mana potions so players will want to use these if they wish to min/max their mana in raids. These can be traded and sold on the Auction house.

WoW Classic TBC Gold is the virtual currency in the Burning Crusade Classic. In the beginning, everyone will need TBC Gold: all the primals, crafted gear, profession stuff, gems, epic flying, TBC patterns. Everything can be bought with Classic TBC Gold. More than that,TBC Classic Gold can give you an advantage in almost every aspect of the game. Whether you are raiding or leveling up, WoW TBC Gold can make it easier for you. If you want to save yourself the need to save money and give an impetus to the development of your Character, you can Buy WOW Classic Gold from

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