Also remember that a chaotic recharge that uses a combination

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The accuracy of your game will remain at RuneScape gold the level of 80%. Since each of these shots will be increased by 5percent, the average damage per hit that you succeed in achieving increases to 157.5. We will now add your 20 zeros you make per 100 shots. The new overall damage per shot is 126. This means you'll get a 20% increase in damage rather a 5% however, I'm deducting the damage that the eagle eye already provides.

Also remember that a chaotic recharge that uses a combination of tokens and gp will cost you 20k tokens. I'm not sure of your rate at present, but keep in mind that you can achieve floors that provide 20k tokens for each. As these floors typically take anywhere from 23 to 28 minutes, and I doubt you'll get 2 mil in frosts, it's worth it to use tokens for the repair.

Although you won't be able to get that many tokens that fast, it is important to remember that there's only limited use to tokens and that there isn't any fluctuation in their value (meaning that your tokens earned today will be equivalent to the ones you'll earn when you are earning 120 Dung).

A great analogy would be the idea of storing your effigies till you are able to build them yourself. In either method, the ultimate reward will be identical (Dragonkin Lamp) The only difference is what you forfeit on your way to getting there (in this case , you'll lose xp on various areas). This is the essence of it: Get CCB and recharge chaos with tokens.

If you take 100 hits, with an average of 150 damages per successful hit. We estimate that 20 percent of the hits will be zeros which gives you an approximate accuracy rate of 80%. When you factor in the accuracy increase of the Crossbow which means that your accuracy increases to approximately 87% and each of the seven additional hits you make will have an average damage of 150, naturally. This means that your total damage amounts to 130.5 as opposed to be 120 (this is because it takes into rs07 fire cape account the zeros).



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