Rocket League is avaliable now on PC PS4 and Xbox One

Rocket League is avaliable now on PC PS4 and Xbox One

Rocket League is avaliable now on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. It can also be RL Trading  coming to Nintendo Switch later this yr.

If you’re a massive sports fan, then possibilities are you’ve heard of the X-Games before. If you don’t recognise what it is, it’s a carrying event that capabilities events like skateboarding and BMX. But this yr, the X-Games is ready to heat up with what’s arguably the maximum excessive game in lifestyles: rocket-powered vehicular football. Of direction, I’m talking about Rocket League.

The insanely aggressive identify will be making its X-Games debut on July 14-sixteenth. The tournament may have a prize pool of $75,000, so no question it’s going to  be a quite extreme competition. You can song in live thru ESPN’s on line channel, ESPN 3.

dakun Lee

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