Player trading in New World is disabled again

New World has once again disabled player-to-player trading because of a suspicious Gold Dupe bug.

New World has once again disabled player-to-player trading because of a suspicious Gold Dupe bug. This is bad news for players who New World Coins Buy. Amazon Game Studios takes this precaution in order to investigate issues and fix them as needed. Because player server transfers have just been turned back on and the team had to release a fix for a mission that was incorrectly released yesterday.

While it’s unclear what caused the new Gold Dupe Bug, this temporary ban on trading is nothing new to the New World community. Amazon tries to apply the fix as quickly as possible, but unfortunately sometimes players have had to wait to re-enable the feature. While there’s no word on when wealth transfers will resume, the last time it took a few days, after which players would need to spend New World Gold to pay their fees and taxes.

The 1.2.2 update was performed to address a widely reported out-of-sync issue and to remove a set of tasks that were incomplete and incorrectly enabled in the December build. These quests are incomplete, so they lack rewards like New World Gold and other things. If any player can access and complete these quests, Amazon will allow XP earnings to remain, but all progress will be reset when it goes live so that everyone can complete these quests for the correct rewards.

Although for disabling player trading, this is not the first time it has happened. But for many players it’s a pain. Those who bought New World Gold and waited for a trade also had to wait until the problem was resolved before proceeding. Players also hope that Amazon will solve the problem as soon as possible and give a faster response.

jamysen jamysen

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