This is the way I'm contemplating doing.

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You can easily welfare through Barrows without spending a lot. I utilize what RS gold I have because I have it. If you want me to offer assistance to you personally with Barrows tubs, I'll appear online in a time.

Well, at the moment , I'm in 80 magic and trying to think forward for 99. I have worked out a few different calculations to calculate the costs of various spells below. What I'm interested in is whether the method I think would be good is worth trying or should I go with the classic alching!

This is the way I'm contemplating doing. What I'm looking for is will plank be very repetitive (as as in lots of clicks?) If so would I be better off sticking with high alchemy up to 99 (Method 3)? It's true that I don't know much about this one since I've had no experience with it. I'd like to know, when you click to do the spell, will it instantly makes any clay (if I use clay) soft or do I have to press each clay individually?

It's what I originally planned to accomplish up to 99. Hey guys, could I have your opinion on which method you'd prefer to go about it. (By the way , I'm really tight on cash so 10Mil is my budget for this!) If anyone can also tell me from experience about humidify and how swift it takes (exp charges per hour, etc.) That would be awesome! And if you can suggest better methods to apply it, I'd be grateful for it!

I was thinking about range-setting for a bit, while making some money. (I have 75 range and 81 defense) i will be useing full armadyls, runecbows and broad bolts. Should I be focusing on iron dragones or Avies? Notes: Iron dragones : I'll collect the following: all charms, dragon mid-helms and dragon skirts, legs of dragons, and of course , faces, left shield half,effigies, i do not know about elite hint, coins, tooth half key, dragon stones,

I will chop: all rune items (limbs and bars, 2h, kitshield, full helm, sq shield, middle helm) Aviansies: I will alch all the adamant bars. I will be alch to all runite daggers and limps. Remember avies addy bars are not uncommon and limps and daggers can be found in a few places, but irons drops are most of the time rare. Even the vissies themselves are scarce, but it's worth far more than common avie drops. Any suggestions, or other information are greatly welcomed and appreciated.

Personally, I'd suggest the Karamja dungeon, in the Tz-Haar area. There's a variety of possibilities for this There are a variety of ways to attack the monsters at this point using a standard weapon, food or rs2007 gold a bunyip, if you have. Then, you could halberd them from a safe spot, or even use a range from a safe location which makes it food-free.

wei yismart

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