New World: New gold dupe exploit caused the transaction to be suspended again

On the heels of another exploit circulating, Amazon game studios has disabled wealth transfers in New World another time. This can be not unexpected, as once they re-enabled wealth transfers last time, the post mentioned that they could disable them again should there be the other exploits

On the heels of another exploit circulating, Amazon game studios has disabled wealth transfers in New World another time. This can be not unexpected, as once they re-enabled wealth transfers last time, the post mentioned that they could disable them again should there be the other exploits or bugs that came to light.

While New World has had a really bumpy launch over the past six weeks close to, the Amazon team does continue working to urge things in working order. Today's announcement comes on the heels of another duplication exploit that has been circulating recently. And while there is no word on when wealth transfers are going to be back, last time it took some days, after which players needed to catch informed their expenses and taxes.

After the last several gold exploits, Amazon did promise to ban those who it found took advantage, and indeed some New World Coins bans and punishments were handed out. Other methods that the team used were to disable Family Sharing on Steam initially (re-enabling it for those it found used them legitimately) and to lift level requirements for trading and to maneuver the initial early levels rewards a touch bit further into New World to dissuade people from creating new accounts solely to farm gold. These steps may have helped, but clearly, the player base has been finding new ways to urge unfair advantages and, as a result, affect people who are spending their days just needing to play the game.

With server population imbalances and merges within the works, these issues complicate matters so frequently that the cumulative frustration has been taking its toll within the community. The newest exploit shows further RPG New World Coins weaknesses within the system and if this can be patched and stuck quickly, with some action against people who took advantage, it'll help.

For more on New World's once more disabled wealth transfers, see post from for details and updates.

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Millson Adam

68 Blog posts
