NEETFY seeks to become the most important business social network in the digital age worldwide. In this space people can share their experience, knowledge, opinion, news and provide any type of relevant information about their business. Likewise, this space promotes networking or new connections between crypto entrepreneurs specialized in the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies, trading, mining, development and entrepreneurship. Each user will be able to create their own profile, in which they can specify their work experience, their studies, businesses, ventures and can view and manage different aspects of their account such as private messages with other members, friend requests, products or services purchased in the Marketplace, The platform will be constantly supervised by Tetra's support team to avoid as much as possible SPAMM, referral links, or other information that is not relevant or that is only provided for economic interests. It is very important for us to take care of users and ensure that the information shared is of quality and of benefit to the entire community. NEETFY is a space in which members can apply to become authors and share their knowledge and experiences on MERCHANT ONLINE in a more formal and structured way.
Tetra will be instrumental in launching a share purchase option at the value of the smart contract price where the entire global community can participate.
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