There are other raid mounts which I didn't mention

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Recolours are available through other ways. Then WOW Burning Crusade Classic Gold there are all the drake mounts from WotLK and Cata which are just recolours of rare spawn drops/reputation/achievement rewards.

There are other raid mounts which I didn't mention, such as Glacial Tidestorm from mythic Jaina it is a reskin of the shaman class mount, or Ny'alotha Allseer from mythic N'Zoth which is just an reskin of a jellyfish mount.

It depends on what you mean when you say "reskin". It's based on what you think you mean by "reskin".

Archimonde's Felsteel Anihilator is the one mythic mount that I can recall being "original in the time". The new Sylvanas mythic Mount is also a new type.

A recolour can be described as a swap of texture. I'm not sure what this meaning of this term is. It's much simpler than other tasks to redo the color, since they just must adjust the colours with a slider before calling it completed.

that's why it's maddening to see so many armors just being recolours since you could just put an intern on them and they'd most likely be acceptable. Recolors ought to definitely be a slider option that players have access to..

Yes, I was unsure if a recolour would also become a skin. Reskins were always part of my understanding of animations, however with a totally different look. Recolour, however, is actually a recolour.

LFR, heroic, normal LFR, heroic, normal, and LFR are all part of the same set that has colour changes. The only difference is the mythic set (and the heroic set and a few other pieces) that are different

Reskin is a skin that makes use of the same skeleton however it layers on a different layer. It can be pretty much identical to recolors (if the tweaks to skin are minor enough). They can also add extra bits and bits.

The Iron Skyreaver is an rylak mount skeleton. It also adds powerful jet thrusters that are loud to its wings and armor. It's a reconfigure.

A recolor can be described as the difference between Black Drake mount (from 10 Sarth) and the Bronze Drake mount (from H CoS). The model and skin are exactly the same except for cheap WOW TBC Gold the color. Experiment 12B is a color change of the basic drake mount.


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