How to play the WoW Burning Crusade Classic game guide

If damage is your main goal, Warlocks is your best choice in TBC Classic.

For this class there are three unique specializations, the most powerful of which is destruction. Compared to Affliction and Demonology, destruction can provide more damage.

Generally, your character can output a lot of damage through some useful curses and consumables such as Healthstone and Soulstone, but only a few buttons are needed to destroy it. In addition, destruction can be played as shadow or fire. This is its unique element-the difference is the type of curse they cast. Generally, it is better to use fire in the early stage of the game, and then to use shadows afterwards.

Next, let us understand how to play Destruction Warlock in TBC Classic.

1. Destruction Warlock PvE talent build
Destruction Warlock has a simple construction. By increasing talents, you can Buy WOW TBC Classic Gold get all the damage related to Destruction. This will allow you to get the Demonic Sacrifice in the Demonology tree that can greatly increase the damage.

2. Gameplay and rotation
The Destruction Warlock only has a few spells to use, and the same two buttons are used repeatedly, so its rotation method is very simple
Use Fel Armor
Use Demonic Sacrifice on your Succubus or Imp
Cast your assigned curse (or Curse of Elements if you’re the only Warlock)
Maintain Immolate
Cast Shadow Bolt or Incinerate

3. Stat Priority
Spell Hit (up to 16%)
Spell Haste
Spell Damage
Spell Critical Strike
The above is the priority of the warlock statistics. In order to minimize the spell errors, you need to reach the maximum spell hit rate of 16%. Spell Haste and Spell Damage are both important, because haste is very rare, so if the haste is not obtained, spell damage is the second priority. Finally, we must pay attention to the spell crit and intelligence, because they are also very important, so we must get them as much as possible.

4. Gems, Enchants, and Consumables
Other professions are somewhat different from the gems used by the destruction warlock. Among them, sorcerers have high requirements for spell hits, but they don't have the talents of other professions to increase attributes. When the equipment attribute does not meet the maximum hit requirement, you need to focus on hitting the gem, when the hit requirement is met, you must focus on the spell power gem.

Best Destruction Warlock Gems:
Chaotic Skyfire Diamond
Great Dawnstone
Veiled Noble Topaz
Runed Living Ruby
Glowing Nightseye

Enchanting is a bit easier than gems. In most cases, the focus on damage and spell power is also subject to many WOW TBC Classic Gold restrictions. Here are the best options for enchanting:
Head-Glyph of Powe
Shoulder-Greater Inscription of Discipline
Cloak-Enchant Cloak-Subtlety
Chest-Enchant Chest-Exceptional Stats
Bracers-Enchant Bracer-SpellpowerGloves-Enchant Gloves-Major Spellpower
Legs-Runic Spellthread
Boots-Enchant Boots-Boar's Speed
Weapon-Enchant Weapon-Soulfrost / Enchant Weapon-Sunfire (Depending on if you prefer Shadow or Fire)

In order to temporarily increase the attributes of the character, then Consumables is your best choice, because it is especially important to get additional attributes in dungeons and raids. Here’s a list of key consumables needed for Destruction Warlocks:
Flask: Flask of Pure Power
Potions: Destruction Potion or Super Mana Potion
Mana Oil: Brilliant Wizard Oil
Food: Poached Bluefish or Blackened Basilisk
Other: Dark Rune or Demonic rune

5. Best Destruction Warlock Professions
Tailoring and enchanting are the two most outstanding professions of warlocks. Tailoring is the way to get some of the best items in the game: the Spellstrike set, as well as the Shadow’s Embrace and Spellfire sets.
The enchantment can increase the spell power by an additional 24 points through the unique ring, so that the attributes can be reliably improved. For warlocks, these two professions are unmatched by other professions. Relatively speaking, tailoring is more important. Even if the enchantment bonus is small, it is better than other professions.

Want to quickly increase the strength of Destruction Warlock, If you lack enough TBC Classic Gold to buy them, you can visit MMOWTS to get the cheapest products and realize your dreams right away!

James darin

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